1.2. Nouns: plurals, countable versus uncountable

irregular plurals

axis / axes

analysis / analyses

criterion / criteria

lemma / lemmata

optimum / optima

phenomenon / phenomena

vertex / vertices

1.3 단수인데 s로 끝나는것

주제를 설명 할때

Economics, electronics, mathematics, physics, politics, statistics

Means는 plural of mean (i.e. average)

하지만 방벅으로 쓰일 때는 a means of transport가 가능 하다.

News는 셀수없다.

diabetes, mumps, pus 의학 용어들도 셀수 없다.

Species는 singular도 되고 plural도 된다.

Economics is one of the most popular subjects amongst students in our university.

Statistics is a distinct mathematical science, rather than a branch.

It is not clear where these statistics come from.

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